Road Material Estimates
This app computes the materials required for standard road design of DSWD KALAHI. Version 1.0.0 is for Aggregate Base Course Shoulders and Portland Cement Concrete Pavement only. Transverse contraction joints are 4.50 meters apart.
Aggregate Base Course
Description Quantity Units Width (Base): meters Thickness (Base): meters Area (Base): sq.m. Width (Shoulder): meters Thickness (Shoulder): meters Area (Shoulders): sq.m. Total Cross Sectional Area: sq.m. Length: meters Volume: cu.m. Volume Considering Shrinkage: cu.m. Wastage % Description Quantity Units Aggregate Base Course cu.m. -
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
Concrete Computations
Description Quantity Units Length: meters Width: meters Thickness: meters Area (Top): sq.m. Output per day: meters Volume: cu.m. Wastage % % % Description Quantity Units Portland Cement - Type 1 bags Washed Sand cu.m. Crushed Gravel cu.m. Steel Computations
Description Quantity Units No. of Cold Joints: joints No. of Dowels per Cold Joint: dowels Total No. of Dowels for Cold Joint: dowels No. of Dowels per Bar: dowels Bars for All Cold Joint Dowels: bars Total No. of Dowels for Lane Interface: dowels No. of Dowels per Bar: dowels Bars for Lane Interface: bars Wastage % % Description Quantity Units 6.0 m RSB for Dowels (Joints) pcs. 6.0 m RSB for Dowels (Interface) pcs. Formworks and Bagging
Description Quantity Units Estimated No. of Days (Pouring): days No. of Pinbolts: pcs. Total Length of Pinbolts: meters Length of Side Formwork (First Lane): meters Length of Side Formwork (Second Lane): meters Total Length of Side Formworks: meters Use per Lumber: uses Total Number of Bags Needed: bags Use per bag: uses Wastage % % % Description Quantity Units 12' Lumber for Side Formworks pcs. 6.0 m RSB for Pin Bolts pcs. Empty Cement Bags pcs.